Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just gonna vent for a minute..

Sometimes life is just unfair, I get that.

Yesterday a security guard at my school called me out for not wearing my ID. Out of my entire group of friends I was with, he took down my name and gave me an official warning. He was also the same security guard who started treating me different when I was having trouble breathing, and he learned that my ID did not say Drew. I am working with the school to get a new one with the first initial or something, because there is no way I am wearing a badge that has my given name. It is degrading, and I refuse.

Also, some of my friends decided to out me to their friends when they asked how we knew each other. I did not really think that was necessary. I did tell my friend that he was allowed to tell anyone he wanted really, because it saved me the trouble of telling people. But I think I should have been more specific. I meant only tell people that knew me previously, not to new people.

I am a very open person. I don't mind talking to people, especially if they have questions about me being transgender and all, but.. I don't think they need to hear what my given name was.

Lately I have been very touchy about people calling me by that name, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Almost everyone who I associate with calls me Drew, and I would like to keep it that way. I understand that people slip up, and thats fine. I get it. You just don't have to go around intentionally telling people the name I used have.

Okay, done venting for now. Just had to get that out there.

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