Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pre-Testosterone / Intro

This week has been a crazy one for me. After not having a period for four months, and loving it.. I got mine a week before I am supposed to start T. My emotions have been all over the place. I was hoping to give a little bit better of an analysis on how I was feeling emotionally and so forth, but.. all I can really go off of is my experiences.

Right now, school and money are two huge stressors in my life. I just unexpectedly quit one of my two jobs. Which should ease up on the pressure. I also just came out at school this past week, and to my mother. I told my brother a few weeks ago. My family and friends have all been very supportive. School gets a little awkward, but I think most people just try and avoid names and pronouns. Which works for now.

I have yet to tell my dad. This will probably be the hardest part of my transition. I am kind of close to him, and love him greatly. We have just never had a really great communication.

Anywho. This is what I have for an intro.. Hopefully as I go on, this will become much more organized.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, this is Chloe. I found your blog on your Facebook, and the blog is such a great idea. And you are amazing. Hopefully I can stop by and see you and Julie one day (you're still living at the same place, i assume).
